Thursday, March 06, 2008


Well it is official, Brett retired. I was in denial up until the news conference this morning. I cried a lot, but so did the other women I was with today. I went to a friend's house for scrapbooking and we all sat on the couch and cried while Brett said his goodbye. I know he is a human being just like the rest of us, but he was so much fun to watch. I thought it was interesting how he stated that he knows what it is like to be dead. Watching all the sports coverage about his career must be pretty weird because it seems like we all are eulogizing him. Like he said, "All good things must come to an end."

Maggie, Patrick, and I went to the Chippewa County Humane Association to look at some kittens today. I thought I was ready to get another cat, but I'm not. Both of the kitties we were looking at are adorable, but it just didn't feel right in my heart. I guess I need more time.

I'll stop for now to go knit and watch the Eau Claire North High School boys basketball team play in the state tournament. Happy Knitting!!


Karen said...

I know exactly how you feel - we went to a shelter over the weekend because I was sure I was ready for another cat. I stood there, surrounded by kitties, and all I could do was cry. I didn't want another cat, I wanted my Charlie Cat. Sigh. I think we both need some more time. When the time is right, Charlie will send a kitty to me, and Gracie will send one to you. For now, we just need to heal. Hang in there, my friend.

Twinkerbell said...

It's amazing, when the time is right for an animal to enter your life it will. I have wanted a puppy for years, but I kept resisting because I didn't have a place for one, but I saw Kirby and I just knew, he was meant for me. Since having him, I can understand how hard it would be to have another pet after loosing one, he's only been in my life a short while and I don't know what I'd do with out him already.