All done....
Another pair of socks for me! I started this pair in June when I got the yarn from
Shelly. I don't know why I suffered from second sock syndrome with this pair. I'm glad they are finished and I plan on wearing them today!! I may even wash them up tonight to take to the hospital with me.

Shelly and her beautiful girls met us last Monday when we were up in the cities. We went to a Vietnamese resturant and it was fabulous. I can't remember the name of the soup we all got, but it was delicious. My boys were not the best behaved and I was embarrassed, but it was wonderful to see Shelly again. Her girls were fantastic and they are only 2 and 4! Next time I go meet her I will be alone. (Or I may take Maggie with me, she was wonderful) Shelly brought me a gift of this hand spun yarn. I was going to make mittens for myself, but changed my mind. I think I will make a scarf. One can never have too many scarves when you live in Wisconsin!

I was remiss in posting a picture of my yarn I got with my cute sheep. Chris said the bag was making lots of noise and when she looked in it, there was yarn!:) Too funny. She spoils me.

I am meeting with my knitting group today. Chris, Jane, Susan, and I started a little group last fall and we try to meet up once a month. I enjoy it very much. Tonight is our group at church, Purly Gates Knitters, so I'm going to that as well. Today is just a good day for knitting!
I'm off to try and get some work done before my "playdate" with my friends. Happy knitting!!!
Those socks are so cool!!! I love the colors in them. Have fun knitting all day - it sounds lovely and you deserve it.
I happen to love how your heel turned out. I'm weird that way. LOL Though I'm sure I'm not the only one out in knitter-land that is easily amused at these things...
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