Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm back!!
We stayed an extra day at my brother-in-law's, so we didn't get home until yesterday. I wanted to post a picture of my finished socks, but they aren't done yet. My camera is still acting up, so picture posting will be on hold. My arthritis acted up over the weekend which meant that I needed to take frequent breaks in the knitting. We did have a good time and ate lots of good food.

The kids were very tired on Saturday night and I was thinking that we may have stayed too long, but we made them wind down with a movie and then an early bedtime. Sunday morning everyone seemed to be in better spirits. The kids didn't want to leave, but they didn't give us any trouble. We had an agreement that if we stayed the extra day that when it came time to leave we wouldn't have any arguments. Mel did fine with us too. Berkley just loved having him there. Mel wasn't too sure about playing with such a big dog and growled quite a bit at first. By the time we left they were wagging their tails at each other and taking turns sniffing. I was glad to be home. I like sleeping in my own bed.

I was able to get some Christmas shopping done today. I hope I can get that new Nintendo Wii that Grant wants!! When I was at Tar*et today they had the notorious Playstation 3, but not the Wii. When I went back a few hours later, all the PS3s were gone. I have tried to explain to Grant that I may not be successful in getting the Wii before Christmas and he just says, "But that's all I want". I'll do my best, but I refuse to buy from anyone on Ebay. It pisses me off that people buy these things and they sell them for profit and the kids who really want one, may not get one!! The kid has been talking about this thing since the spring!! Send me good thoughts okay, that maybe I'll be lucky enough to get one for him.

Packers are beating the Seahawks on Monday night football, but it's not over yet. I have to go and finish watching. Happy knitting!!


Karen said...

I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. It's always fun when you can squeeze in that extra day,huh? Good luck with the Nintendo - it sounds like it's a tough mission!!

Anonymous said...

The Wii is in much higher demand and fewer of them were released than the Playstation III. . . I would love one too, and they are cheaper than the psIII!
You might want to make a coupon for your son stating he will get his Wii as soon as one is found, but it's really tough to explain why you can't get any to a younger child :( I will keep my ear to the ground in this area!

Life's a Stitch said...

My son just slept all night on the street in front of Toys R Us to get a Wii. I'll be blogging about this experience, so counter to the culture in which we raised him. I admit, though, it is really a fun item.