Maggie had her 8th grade graduation dance Friday night. This is a picture of her with Tom. It amazes me how fast she is growing up. I'm a proud mama. She is a beautiful, kind hearted young woman. One of her good friends had a party after the dance. The family opened their pool early so the kids could swim. It rained a bit, but they were able to swim and enjoy the hot tub. I helped supervise, and it was a joy to see all of the kids having a good time. Maggie has a really nice group of friends.
The sun is shining right now, but it is cold!!! I wish we would get some 70-75 degree temps that would stay. We've had a few warm days this spring, but they are few and far between. I think we will be opening our pool next week, but I'm not sure about heating it yet. It seems too silly to waste the gas heating the thing when the nights are still in the 40's! Well, the laundry awaits my attention. Happy knitting!