Am I adorable or what? My mom is letting me post on her blog tonight. I love being in my new home!! Here are pictures of my new furry family! First is Kipper, who is being very good to me. He shows me what to do when we are outside. I love playing in the snow and following him around the yard.

Next is my new sister, Gracie. I love chasing her around the kitchen and family room. She is really fast, and she jumps up onto this neat climbing thing and gets away from me!! I know she loves me though!

This is my other furry brother, Richie. He is starting to play with me. I love to growl and bark at him. He just lays on the floor and bats at me with his paws. I know that we are gonna be wonderful friends. My mom said to tell all of you knitting friends that she has been so busy playing and cuddling with me that she hasn't had much time to knit. I think I saw her working on some Packer socks though. Do you think she will knit me a sweater? It is getting really cold outside here in Wisconsin.

Thanks for letting me into your blogland. Mom says she just loves to read about all of you wonderful knitters and your lives. Someday maybe we can meet!! I need to get to sleep now because I have some cats to chase and I need lots of energy for that. P.S. Mom said to tell you all Happy Knitting!! Love, Todd
Isn't he the sweetest thing! What an innocent little face! The other two are cuties, too. I love animals. The husband keeps trying to con me into getting a dog, but I don't want one. I like them, but I don't want one. Besides, my three cats would probably all go into cardiac arrest! We dog sat two winters ago for a friend, and I didn't see them at all for three days.
Awww what a beautiful family!!! Such a cute puppy!
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