Wow! What an amazing weekend. I have been wanting to write a blog post about my weekend in St. Louis since I got back Sunday night but it has been a bit busy around here. I'm almost caught up with the laundry and sleep. :)
Last Wednesday I went to see my friend Shelly and her family. We went to St. Paul to The Yarnery and Borealis. Then she took me to a wonderful Vietnamese place to eat called Pha 79 on Nicolette Ave. in Minneapolis. Her girls were with us and they were the best behaved 5 & 3 year olds ever!!!! After dinner we went to have ice cream at Ben and Jerry's near Shelly's house. YUM!
Shelly put the girls to bed and while she was doing that I enjoyed looking at her knitting books. I made a mental list of the ones I'd like to get in the future. After the girls were sleeping, Shelly let me try out her spinning wheel. It was fun, but I really need more practice. She gave me a skein of her handspun yarn. It will be used to make a lace scarf. We talked for an hour or so then went to bed.
Thursday morning I flew out to St. Louis. Shelly graciously took me to the airport so I could leave me car at her house and save some money on parking. I got to St. Louis at 1:00 and to the hotel around 1:45. Walking into the lobby and seeing fellow knitters knitting was so amazing. I felt at home! I met some wonderful women and we pretty much spent the afternoon chatting and getting to know everyone. Some people that I've chatted with on Ravelry and I went out to dinner. Then it was back to the conference room for a dessert reception and knitting. I was so overwhelmed and tired that I didn't stay very long. I needed a good night sleep. My roommate Beth lives in Lee's Summit, MO. She was a great roomie.
Friday morning I took a class from Anne Hanson of Knitspot. I really need to concentrate when I do lace knitting, so I didn't get very much done in the class. She was an awesome teacher and so sweet. Friday after lunch I hung out in the Loopy Lounge and wound the yarn up that Shelly gave me. I was having a bit of trouble with the swift, so Claudia helped me out by being my swift! How cool is that? Her friends Maria and Dani also helped out. They suggested I use beads with the yarn, so I'm off to YDK to look for some beads after I get done posting. Friday night we went to an Italian resturant which wasn't that good. Then back to the lounge for more knitting. (I mostly ripped out) My ADD really kicked in this weekend so I have nothing to show for my time there. I really just wanted to meet some nice peopl
Saturday morning I got to shop at TLE. It was amazing! I did cry when I got there. For those of you who know me very well know that I wear my emotions on my shoulders! I cry at the drop of a hat, s