This is the first sock made from the yarn I got from Shelly.
Isn't it cool yarn? It was fun the see the stripes come alive. I bought some sock blockers from The Loopy Ewe .
I don't like how my legs and feet look in pictures, so I thought this would be a nice way to show my socks that I complete. I may have made the sock a bit too long, but it's okay with me. I'm just glad I finally have a completed object to share with you. Now to explain the reality check part of the title.
I heard from the technical school about starting the sonographers program. Guess how long the wait is to get into the program....Fall of 2010!! That is if you have the classes needed just to get on the waiting list. I probably would need a few classes first, so we are looking at getting into the program in 2011. Then two years for the program. Now, I am not a spring chick, and this is the first time I have really thought about being a middle aged woman. By the time I finished with all the schooling, I would be 49 years old. Not very likely to get a job, huh?! Even though my body feels middle aged sometimes, I guess I never really gave my age much thought. When I get together with my friends, I still feel like a kid. I graduated from college 20 years ago and will be going to my 25th high school reunion in August. After I got the phone call, I was pretty bummed. My kids will be in college in 2011 and 2012. Patrick will graduate in 2015. We didn't budget for me to go back to school, so I guess I won't be.
I am okay with not going to school, what I am not okay with is the reality of being a middle aged woman. I need to process this. How could I not have thought about my age before now? It's weird, but I never really did. Birthdays have come and gone and I just keep on going. Being out of the job market for 14 years never really came to mind until now. I guess the best thing I can do now is try to enjoy my choice of being a stay at home mom, with teenagers!! It is just another chapter in my parenting book. I'll have to let some of the crap that my son says to me just roll off my back and try to not let it hurt my feelings. I've decided that I can just take a time out for myself when he gets to me. I'll remove myself from the stress(if possible) and hopefully that will make the tense moments a bit easier to deal with.
Well, my hands are sore from the marathon knitting I did today to finish the sock. I'm going to take some A*v*l, and go to bed. Tomorrow Maggie, Patrick, and I are taking a class at
The Yellow Dog.
By friend Chris and her daughter and two grandsons are taking the class too. We will be making our own knitting needles and dyeing yarn with Kool-Aid. It will be fun!! Happy knitting!!
We're very close to the same age.. I graduated college in 1988. :)
My problem is that I've been at the same job for 15 years now and I don't feel like I'm qualified to get any other job. So what will I do when I do retire? I'm single and don't make lots of $$$ so I'll have to be going into another job... What to do? What to do? :(
Hey Jaci, your sock is awesome! I can't believe how fast you whipped that out. Thanks for all the props on the yarn...I'd love to hear any constructive criticism you may have as well. E-mail me. Be harsh!
I love the sock!
Bummer about sonography school. But don't give up! If you keep looking, I bet you'll find another course of study that's even better for you.
I've been out of the workforce for 4 years now raising my kids, and I'm starting to itch to get back out there. I'm hoping prospective employers will see that full-time mothering is not wasted time.
Good luck!
Hi, Diva, I just found your blog and had to chime in. Ann Landers, that fountain of common sense wisdom, once replied to a reader who stated something like what you said, the gist of which was, "...but when I finish xxxxx, I will be NN years old!" Ann replied, "And how old will you be if you DON'T do xxxxxx?" Food for thought, although I have no idea if it really applies to your situation. Feel free to blow it off -- free advice is worth exactly what you paid for it :)
Love that sock, btw. And I love that you put a full photo of yourself on your blog banner. You rock!
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