These are the beautiful flowers that were delivered this afternoon from my wonderful husband. I love tulips and he usually gets me these every Valentine's Day. I am such a lucky woman.
Patrick made this wonderful Valentine sentiment while I have been reading blogs tonight!
I love this kid!! He is the best!!! Do you see what his shirt says? He can be a stinker at times and I have often heard these words come out of his mouth!! He has been very helpful while I have been recovering from surgery. I am so blessed to have this boy in my life.
I have finished one sock and started a pair of mittens for another one of Maggie's friends. These next pair of mittens are felted and I am using Cascade 220. The recipient is my best friend's daughter. I made Chris some felted mittens last year and Kaitlinn loves them. She asked her mom if she thought I would make some for her. Of course I would!! So maybe tomorrow I will have more pictures. Happpy knitting!!