New Year
Okay, January is almost over, but it's still considered the New Year. For our family, 2009 came with some losses. My sister-in-law, our precious cat Sadie, and in November my mother-in-law.
I am just now feeling like I am getting back to normal. I was able to be with my MIL every day from Oct. 18 until she died on November 13. It was painful to watch her die, but I am thankful that I was able to spend that time with her. It meant a lot to her as well as my husband and his siblings. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I've become a stronger person. I miss her so very much but I know that she is in a better place and out of pain.
The fall was also busy with volleyball and football games. We all had the flu, probably H1N1, but they didn't test us. Our symptoms were the same as half of Eau Claire the dr. said. We managed to get through the holidays and now are looking forward to the new year.
I haven't been knitting much at all, but I did make Maggie a hat. She actually wore it today when she went sledding with some friends. I am feeling like I'm getting back to normal (whatever that is) and am starting to feel like I want to knit. I've been doing a lot of reading lately, too. I love my Kindle!!! It was worth the price. I have read eight books in the past month.
I'm going to try and post regularly. I probably don't even have any readers, but we'll see.
Happy 2010 and Happy Knitting!!!!